Sunday, October 27, 2013

Making a Difference

"I want to make a difference!", said my friend today when I asked her what is she passionate about. The sentence resonated with me and took me back a few years when as a young 21-year old, the same statement burnt like a undying flame in my heart. "I want to make a difference!" and suddenly it all became very clear to me.

Making a difference happens in the small everyday things and moments of our life and not it a larger than life goals with set for ourselves. Making a difference happens when that person also leaves a deep positive impact on us. hence, its always an exchange of equals and it is always a barter of giving and receiving at both ends.

As I shared these thoughts with my friend, they rang loud and clear in my head and I had suddenly articulated a thought that had been in my head for long. I felt alive and rejuvenated. The beauty of this statement that had defined my passion and my friend's too dawned on me.I looked at all the moments when a person makes a difference in my life and I in theirs. The gentleman who comes to serve tea/coffee to our office. His smile, his eccentricities, his "Good Morning Sir" brightens up my day and makes a difference to my life. The acknolwedgement, love and warmth that he gets in our office makes a difference to his life.

I make a difference when I smile at a stranger on road, sometimes leaving him with a weird quizzical look but I am sure his heart is smiling for connecting with mine. Sometimes when I get a smile back, oh wow - it makes my day.

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